Trusting God in All Seasons

2 min readNov 23, 2023


“He makes my feet swift as those of a deer”
Photo by Bibhukalyan Acharya from Pexels


Habakkuk 3:17–19 is an expression of our trust in the Lord, it opens our eyes on the need for us to trust in His continuous providence. In times like this when the world is in so much turmoil, we tend to be discouraged because wars and conflict result in failed economies but as believers we cannot focus on what is going on in the earthly economy but instead we should look up to Jesus for our needs, for our peace of mind and for consolation. For Indeed even……

“ Though the fig tree does not blossom and no fruit appears on the vine, though the yield of the olive fails and the terraces produce no nourishment, Though the flocks disappear from the fold and there is no herd in the stalls, Yet I will rejoice in the Lord and exult in my saving God. God my Lord is my strength, he makes my feet swift as those of a deer and enables me to tread upon the heights.”

Relying on God

Reliance on the Lord even when things look bleak in the outside is something we as Christians and people of faith should learn to do, because though the yield of the olive fails, God provides for us, we will not lack, the writer (Habakkuk) in this hymn tells us that he has witnessed the Lord giving him divine speed (“He makes my feet swift as those of a deer”) to tread upon the heights. The heights in our case could be our daily tribulations, a friend who lied to us and did not show up for us as we thought they would, a lack in finances to cover our rent or school fees, a failed interview. The Lord is telling that He will give us solutions for each of these problems and we will indeed tread upon the heights.

I love this verse so much because I am in a season where I have gotten a couple of no’s for things I have been praying for, but this verses remind me that God is my strength that even ‘though there is no herd in the stalls’ God is still moving, He is my strength and in due season He will indeed ‘enable me to tread upon the heights’. God is a God of all seasons, the seasons of lack and those of plenty. He is saying to us, that in all seasons our lives are meant for His Glory because in both instances though it may not seem so we get to see the goodness of the Lord in the Land of the living.




A Christ loving babe whose mission is to use her writing gift to minister to and to constantly jot down lessons learnt from God's lovely book (the bible) :)